Over the last few months, we have been hard at work compiling case studies of some of the many projects our spec, design and field technicians have been supporting on site. Here’s a summary – click through to read the case studies that appeal to you.
Flat roofing: NHS Isolation Units at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
When COVID-19 first hit the UK, NHS Trusts were faced with the demands of increasing specialized intensive care and isolation ward capacity to deal with very sick and highly infectious patients. With the rate of infection escalating the biggest challenge was to create this extra capacity quickly. This 10-bed High Consequential Infectious Diseases (HCID) Isolation Ward was built for Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust using modular construction techniques by ModuleCo in just eight weeks. The Armourplan roofing and support for the project was provided by SIG’s experienced team during the first lockdown. Read more here.
Brown Zinc Roofing and Cladding: Affordable apartments in Poplar
This redevelopment of a 1939 factory building and 1956 warehouse provides 115 new affordable homes of the site in the Limehouse Cut Conservation Area. Whilst the original buildings could not be retained, their appearance is echoed in the new scheme which uses A2S1 rated zinc roofing and cladding to provide additional storeys. The Zinc roofing and cladding is elZinc Rainbow Brown supplied by SIG Zinc and Copper and installed by All Metal Roofing to produce a seamless aesthetic with crisp lines and minimal overlaps at eave and verge conditions. Find out about how it was achieved and see more photos here.
Zinc Cladding: Extra Care Apartments in St Helens
This flagship scheme of 130 extra care homes for the over 55s occupies a key site in the city centre regeneration area of St Helens. One of the largest developments in St Helens, the building is a focal point on entry to the city centre and was welcomed by the local planning authority for its contemporary appearance and the use of high quality brickwork and zinc cladding. We spoke to the architect (Phil Malthouse of Brock Carmichael) and the installer (Daniel Nelson of Longworth) about how their teams worked together with SIG Zinc and Copper on the project. Read more here.
Multi-Material Roofing: Mixed Use Apartments in Streatham
This gated development of apartments with undercroft parking and commercial units was originally a collection of single-storey light industrial buildings. With a terraced area providing amenity space, balconies to each apartment and a flat roof area supporting solar panels, Imperial Court presented three distinct waterproofing areas. Each area necessitated a different solution – AccuRoof and AJ Lucas Roofing worked together to deliver the ideal combination of materials for client Featherstone Homes. Read more here.
Green Roofing: Small Infill Site in Finchley
The key considerations for award-winning architects and designers kennedytwaddle when turning a derelict eyesore into a scheme of contemporary homes in Finchley, North London, were sustainability and creating a lush, haven of greenery. Urban infill sites always require a sensitive approach, and our technical team worked with the architects to develop a roofing design and specification which supported the process of consultation with local residents and the planning department. Read more here.
More Information
If you’re interested in the products featured in the case studies, each contains links to the relevant product pages and downloads, but feel free to contact us with any specific requirements.
- NHS Isolation Units
- Zinc Sawtooth Apartments in Poplar
- Zinc Clad Extra Care in St Helens
- Mixed Use Apartments in Streatham (Multi Material)
- Pitched Green Roofs in Finchley
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